Magic Words

Dear Friends,

With Halloween upon us, the Fall’s magic certainly inspires the thoughts of supernatural. What if there is a special spell, a magic word that can change everything? Well – what if there are indeed magic words that can change how we feel? We think in words, and some words have more effect on our emotions than others. Here are some “magic” words for your consideration:

“Yes” and “No” – Everyday words, we use them hundreds of times every day. However, the subtle effect they have on us is almost magical. The word “No” triggers (in a small way) a stress response – rejecting whatever it is we are saying “no” to signals our bodies to be ready to defend against the danger that is lurking in whatever it is we are saying “no” to. When we say “yes” – we relax a little, since we are not feeling in danger. When we are relaxed and not defensive – we are better able to problem solve and see new solutions and opportunities. “Yes” signifies movement toward, in a positive, open way, to whatever we are saying “yes” to.  Saying “yes” to a difficult emotion or a difficult situation allows your brain to move to a problem solving stage faster and do it better.

“Whatever”  – The “magic” word known to all teenagers in the world is a good one-word “magic spell” for dismissing a difficult situation that you may not have control over. It relates to concepts of “letting go” and “acceptance”, and allows you to move on without having to justify or resolve that which you have no control over. An example would be: “The Fall is nice, but the winter is cold and dreary. Whatever!”

“Let me think about it” – Sometimes when we are asked something, or asked to do something – we feel compelled to respond, even when we may feel uncomfortable with the available options. Some of us even have problems with habitually saying “no” or “yes” to everything that is proposed, resulting in significant problems! Giving ourselves an opportunity to consider our answer and its implications can be very valuable indeed! So why not grant ourselves that opportunity by responding with “let me think about it” more often? Extra bonus – you would likely come across as more intelligent and thoughtful if you do so, as you are rejecting a knee-jerk reaction and instead taking time to consider a request.



Image credit: Paddleboarding Witches